Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

My lovely little girl had her first Valentine;s Day. She got gifts from her cute little friends at daycare...she is gonna be a heartbreaker, I can already tell. So we tried to make some Valentine's gifts for the grandparents...I blame Pinterest for giving me ideas, which of course will never work out. This is what I was trying to make...

This is what really happened...

we dipped our toes in paint

you can see the paint all over me while doing this

and then it got all over her

paint everywhere!! 

I will say she just had fun during the whole thing, it was just the messiest thing I have done by far with her. 

I kept asking Adam to help and he just laughed and kept taking pictures of the whole thing 

These little footprints all over the kitchen

you can see the level of messy 

she managed to grab on to me at one point, the red makes it look scary

And this was my darling little girl on Valentine's Day. She is the cutest!! 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

11 Months Old!

Its so hard to believe that in just one month she will be a year old. I think back to this time last year and how different our lives were. We were just getting ready to meet this beautiful little girl and the past 11 months have been wonderful playing with her, getting to know her, teaching her, and loving her. 

11 Month Milestones: 

-tries to run everywhere
-still only has 2 teeth, is currently working on her 3 
-doesnt like wearing shoes
-first understandable word- Peek-a-boo 
-wearing size 4 diapers, 12 month clothes 
-finally did sleep training and now she sleeps so great, 11-12 hours a night like a big girl :) 
-loves dancing, especially The Roots 
-Sesame Street is still her favorite show 
-still the most wonderfully beautiful baby 

One More Month!!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Valentine's Day Package

Addie got a Valentine's Day package from the Grandparents. She got an adorable little stuffed pink elephant and fun turtle ball pit. 


Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!!