Sunday, May 5, 2013

2 months!

I feel like I was just taking her one month pictures yesterday. We can't believe how much she changes on a daily basis. Everyday she learns something new or develops a new cute little face. She is still a wonderful baby, with her share of a bad day here and there but overall a sweet and lovable baby.

2 Month Milestones:

-sleeping through the night on regular basis (knock on wood!)
-smiles all the time when people talk to her
-favorite place is hanging out on her changing table
-still loves car rides
-kicks like crazy when she is playing
-learning how to grab things, loves throwing her pacifier
-still loves bathtime
-when she is super cranky, if she goes outside, it completely changes her mood
-her legs are so long that most of her pants end up looking like capris
-still the most beautiful baby we have ever seen

She does this spread arms and legs thing all the time. She looks like a starfish
She let me put a bow on her and she liked it. Her tongue...



1 comment:

  1. Holy beautiful baby! She is so adorable. I think I love the star fish the best :)
