Yesterday we went to the pediatrician and got the all clear to start Addison on rice cereal. Now keep in mind this is very runny and I am barely mixing it in with her normal formula to help get her used to it. We are just trying to train her to use a spoon mainly and help stretch her feedings. I feel like she is hungry all the time!!
So this is attempt number one. We tried the bumbo, she just kept trying to learn or push out if it as you can see.

starting out ok
ok still trying this...
then NOOOO, she just couldn't handle it anymore.
She looks like an old man with a beard. We think its a combination of being too hungry for this spoon nonsense and the bumbo, she has never really liked that thing and I don't think it helped.
So today I set up her high chair and we gave it a shot around dinner and in between her bottle feedings. This way she wouldn't be overly hungry and it wouldn't give her a stomach ache.
she took the spoon right out of my hand.
seems to be doing well so far
and then this face, this is her super excited face. Her lips tuck in her mouth and she grunts. Its the cutest thing ever!
She did pretty well. She was getting the hang of letting us put the spoon in her mouth and then sucking on it.

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