Monday, January 20, 2014

Painted Toes

I painted my fingernails yesterday and afterward she was playing with bottle. And then we did this. 

Cutest thing ever. Little painted baby toes. She just stared at me and wiggled her toes like what are you doing to me. And as you can see, I took the picture in the tub so now we get cute bath tub pictures.

 Cute toes :) 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sea of Blankets

So lately Addie loves playing on our bed. She loves being able to jump around and fall on blankets and pillows. 
She also loves playing with Sam and tackling him anytime she can. As you can see, he doesnt even care. 


Screaming and laughing 

Throw pillows are her favorite. She hides behind them when she plays peek-a-boo. Its adorable. 

baby in a sea of blanket :) 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Some cuteness for fun

Sometimes I just don't understand how I got so lucky with Addison. She is such a wonderful little girl and is so much fun to hang out with. I look forward every week to my Saturdays with her and just hanging out and running errands together. She is my favorite little person. 

She went shopping with me last weekend, and fell asleep, but wouldnt let go of her toy. 

I bought a ridiculously large diet coke the other day and she was trying to figure it out. There wasnt really anything in it, and she didnt actually consume any of it, but it was cute. 

Yesterday we did a lot of shopping and she was sitting down in carts or her sling for most of the day, by Target she was ready to run, so she was queen of the world for a little while. 

Someone managed to find the tissue box...

This outfit has ears!!! I was dying of all the adorable-ness and super high cute factor! 

Love my Addie :)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

10 Months!

I cannot believe we are 2 months away from having a baby that is year old. Its hard to imagine her being anything other than our little baby girl and all those first week snuggles. Its crazy to think of how much she is capable of doing in such a short and fast 10 months.

10 Month Milestones:

~walks everywhere!
~play peek-a-boo with everything
~loves playing in our bed and jumping on the couch
~loves yogurt and will even eat bananas again
~I swear she said mama one day...
~wearing 12 month clothes and getting so tall
~has the most precious and infectious laugh
~still only has those 2 little bottom teeth
~loves to wave hello and goodbye everytime she sees us
~still absolutely perfect :)

wouldnt sit still, just had to get up and walk around 

We love you sweet girl!!